Thursday, 30 October 2008


History class was cool. We watched the beginning of "The Incredibles" and analyzed the use of colour and the way we sympathize depending of camera movement and editing. Really interesting.

In animation principles class, Andy gave us yet another challenge in the world of "Cubeman". We had to make an animation of two characters, and by using our knowledge of body language, making one of them dominant and the other submissive. Hard excercise, but interesting and useful for improving skills and remembering all the difficult principles of animation.
I was happy with mine, but once i started animating i realized i shouldnt have used so many props, in order to truly express body language. But i followed through and was very happy with it.

We continued in Maya making a full 3dCubeman jump from a ledge. In stepped keyframing. Very difficult to get the timing right, but once you've made all the right movements, the timing can be tweaked and changed around. Which i think is one of the main advantages of CG animation.

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