My first week of school started with History and Theory class. Which was fun. And surprisingly interesting. We talked about symbolism and was shown one of the earliest animations ever called Gertie the Dinosaur.
In the principles class, we drew a circle animation of a circle that transformed into whatever. I panicced and made it explode. We also learned useful basics in the Maya software.
On wednesday, Oli Brown taught us how to illustrate notes instead of writing them. his theory proved useless to me, as i cant do anything while listening, musch less remember what the things are supposed to mean.
1 comment:
Try and keep regular posts and be a bit less you tend to describe what you did. I'd rather see you ask yourself questions, so for example upload some work and discuss what went well and what didn't. What you would do to make it better the next time. Also, has anything that Kathy or Ann Told you relate to your animation work. You will find that a really good resource in the future
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